Trademark Registration in India | IPR services


The trademark of a company is an essential unique mark used to create a separate identity of the products or services offered by company. The trademark can be anything like a name, logo, slogan, phrase, colour, sound, smell, etc.  This marks the identity of a product or service, making it special in the market. This is also helpful for creating brand recognition of the company in any sector.

Logo Registration

The logo of a company is the unique mark used for distinguishing its products from similar others in the market. The logo can be a symbol or an image, but it should be unique and unused.  The logo registration is an essential part of trademark registration in India. The company has to apply for the logo registration on the online portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs and then fill up the form to get the legal authority over the logo and for using as per the ease of company owner.

Brand Registration

A brand is defined as a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that assists in identifying one seller's good or service from other similar sellers in the sector. But, you can have exclusive right on the brand name of your only if you have done brand registration under the online portal of MCA. For the process you need to file an application by filling the given form and attaching the relevant documents. After verification, you would get the brand registration certificate.

Trademark Renewal

 The trademark certification is given by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for the uniqueness of the mark. This mark is allotted to the company for a period of 10 years. When you are nearing the end of 10 year, you get a notice of trademark renewal, to avoid its termination. Failing to do so, may lead to losing legal hold over the mark and it may be used by any third party. Hence, you need to file application for trademark renewal after 10 years to continue using the trademark.

Trademark Litigation

 If the trademark of your company is misused or illegally used by any person or company, then the company has the right to take strong legal action against the infringers. This action can only be taken when the company has done trademark registration and has a certificate to prove it. In the court both the parties need to show proof that the trademark belongs to them, with the original documents you will get justice and the infringers will pay fine.

Trademark Infringement

The trademark infringement is defined as the situation in which the trademark of a company is used illegally by another company or misused by someone. This is a serious felony and the owner company has the right to sue the infringers. Once the case is filed, both the parties have to appear in the court with the relevant documents to prove their ownership. Thus, the owner company will get justice and can safeguard its trademark. Also, the infringer will have to pay heavy dues.

 Intellectual Property Service

Intellectual Property Right or IPR is a special right granted to artists, creators and inventors, for protection of their art and ear money from it. They are available in different kinds like copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, and geographical indications. There are numerous legal firms that are engaged in offering the service related to ipr for protecting the work of artists and to reap the benefits from their commercial usage. The inventors or creators need to apply for IPR registration under the MCA online portal for getting legal authority over their creations.

 Trademark Protection

The process of trademark protection is defined as the process of safeguarding the intellectual property rights from case of infringement and counterfeit. The trademark is basically a mark which company use to distinguish their products from others in the market. Hence, the company can apply for trademark protection by doing the trademark registration. It provides legal support to the trademark and the owner can sue in case of infringement. Also, for trademark protection you need to do excessive survey and create a strong trademark.


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