Digital Revolution on Human Well Being!

digital revolution The digital revolution is for more significant than the inversion of writing and even of printing. Like the industrial revolution the digital revolution marks a complete shift in our society. Single a new and after many aspects of analogue electronic technology to digital electrics which began from the late 1970s with the adoption, and proliferation of digital computers and digital record keeping that countries to the present day. Nowadays, Google is the world. It keeps all information about the world for collecting information about the world many system and also space centre to observe the movement of satellite send chandrayan-2 for knowing details of the south of the moon. Russia is ready to send a life-size robot named “ Fede r” to the space which copies human in the space. America is ready to send a satellite for acquiring knowledge of “Mars”. Digital revolution exits from the birth to till death. It vastly increase the knowledge at our fingerprints, impor...